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MacPaw Promotions
Up to 56% OFF Your CleanMyMac X Plans @ MacPaw, A Mac cleaning software
- MacPaw has Up to 56% OFF Your CleanMyMac Plans with promo code ACTIONOVER12Copied , that means you can get CleanMyMac Plan for 1 Mac 1 year only $37.94, was $39.95; CleanMyMac Plan for 2 Macs 1 year only $60.74, was $79.95, CleanMyMac Plan for 5 Macs 1 year only $121.54, was $199.75;
- or with promo code ACTIONOVER12Copied, you can get CleanMyMac Plan for 1 Mac - One-Time only $113.94, was $119.95; CleanMyMac Plan for 2 Macs - One-Time only $182.34, was $239.9; CleanMyMac Plan for 5 Macs - One-Time only $364.7, was $599.75
- CleanMyMac is the most popular Mac cleaning software. It allows to clean up the App residual files, browse the hard drive capacity, and clean up the fonts.
- CleanMyMac X has a brand-new interface design and more comprehensive system optimization and maintenance functions, making it still the best optimization&cleaning application on macOS.
- Price may be changed without notice.
1-Year Subscription for $44.99 Up to $74.89 off ClearVPN Subscription @MacPaw
- Save Up to $74.89 off ClearVPN Subscription @MacPaw, 1-Month Subscription $9.99, 1-Year Subscription for $44.99.
- Users of previous versions of CleanMyMac can upgrade to CleanMyMac X at 50% off. Users of previous versions of Gemini can upgrade to Gemini 2 at 50% off. If you use other Mac cleaner or antivirus, you can get CleanMyMac X at 40% off.
- Price may be changed without notice.