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ELEGOO Promotions
$389.94 (was $409.94) + FREE Shipping ELEGOO Centauri Carbon + 5KG Carbon Fiber PLA
- Pre-order now , get ELEGOO Centauri Carbon + 5KG Carbon Fiber PLA for only $389.94 (was $409.94) + FREE Shipping
- Centauri Carbon - Centauri Carbon redefines speed with its advanced CoreXY motion system, reaching up to 500 mm/s and 20,000 mm/s² acceleration. Its 32 mm³/s flow rate enables rapid creation of larger, intricate designs, while the high-power heated bed ensures quick heat-up for instant printing.
- Price may be changed without notice.
Saturn 4 Ultra for $389 @ELEGOO
- Get Saturn 4 Ultra for $389 @ELEGOO. $10 off sitewide with promo code IMELE10Copied
- Innovative Tilt Release Technology.
10-inch 12K Mono LCD.
COB + Fresnel Collimating Lens.
Auto Leveling & Intelligent Mechanical Sensor.
AI Intelligent Monitoring & Power-Loss Resume Printing. The Elegoo Saturn 4 UItra adopts tilt release technology, which enables the model to be peeled off from the release film quickly by tilting the resin tank, achieving a fast printing speed up to 150mm/h. With a 10-inch 12K mono LCD, the Saturn 4 Ultra boasts an incredible resolution of 11520x5120 and an XY resolution of 19x24μm, presenting you exquisite models with stunning clarity and precision.
- Price may be changed without notice.
Elegoo Mars 4 DLP Resin 3D Printer only $159.99 shipped
- Get Elegoo Mars 4 DLP Resin 3D Printer only $159.99 shipped , was $250
- The 7-inch 9K monochrome LCD with 8520x4320 resolution and 18x18 microns XY resolution allows you to print models with extremely fine details and sharp edges at a printing speed of up to 70mm/h, achieving superior quality and precision.
- Price may be changed without notice.