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Aquafina vs. Poland Spring vs. Deer Park vs. Ice Mountain vs. Smartwater: Which Bottled Water Brand Wins?

Aquafina vs. Poland Spring vs. Deer Park vs. Ice Mountain vs. Smartwater: Which Bottled Water Brand Wins?

    • The FDA recognizes bottled water as safe water for people to drink. It is stored in containers or bottles with zero additives. Apart from the FDA, the water must also follow State rules and regulations. So you can use it safely. However, Bottled water comes in many different types, models and brands, so how to choose bottled water? What is the best ranked bottled water? What brand of bottled water is the healthiest? What is the highest quality water? Today we will recommend five the best bottled water brands include Aquafina, Poland Spring, Deer Park, Ice Mountain and Smartwater, read on to learn out which waters you should use to drink ,which waters you can wash down your food and which waters you should wash your hands with.

Cover alefonte

What to Look For in Drink Bottled Water?

1.Know the different types

You can choose bottled water from different options.

  • Purified water:Companies filter and process tap water or groundwater.

  • Alkaline water:The pH level of water determines how acidic or alkaline it is. The 7 scale is neutral. 

  • Springwater:Springwater comes from a natural source, like a spring or a river. 

 2. Check the taste

Bottled water comes in various flavors. Taste when you choose bottled water. Some types may be high in vitamins, while others may have a drastic taste but lowering vitamins.

Some companies enhance the chemical content of water. It could lead to different tastes that you might not like.

3. Choose a reliable brand

The brand you choose is essential. You need to know the source of water and how they process it. Be careful that the company provides full information about its processing.

4. Water source

Almost 60%-70% of customers say that the source of water is important to them. About 55% prefer spring water.

You need to make sure of the source of the water. Whether the company is truthful with its water origin or not. See if they provide the result of water tests by a reliable source or not.

5.Determine what is inside the water

Read the label of the bottled water. Determine what it contains is appropriate for you or not.

While a few brands of bottled waters have a low pH level, others have a higher level. The water’s intensity and taste are determined by: Alkaline and Acidity level

6. Consider price

With the amount of water you should be drinking daily, the additional expense of spring water can cause a strain on your budget. Find one that suits your budget without compromising quality and taste.

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Aquafina vs. Poland Spring vs. Deer Park vs. Ice Mountain vs. Smartwater Overview



Source:aquafina's facebook

Region:Atlanta, Georgia

User reviews:4.7/5.0

Basic Information

Dasani, owned by the Coca-Cola company, is another well-known bottled water brand that was founded in 1999.The brand separates itself from Aquafina with water that their tagline claims is “enriched with minerals for a pure, fresh taste.”

The water, also sourced from municipal tap, is injected with trace amounts of minerals after it undergoes a purification process in order to create a distinct flavor.Just like Aquafina, the Dasani brand sells both flavored and unflavored water, as well as many merchandising products that display the Dasani name.

History and Origin

Aquafina was introduced in Wichita, Kansas, in 1994 and reached national distribution in 1997. Since its debut, Aquafina has won over consumers with its great taste and purity. Aquafina is currently America's best selling national brand of bottled water based on current sales volume.

Pros and Cons of Aquafina Water

  • The company produces some of the cleanest water on the market today.

  • Because of its extensive processing, there are no chemicals in Aquafina bottled water.

  • With millions of people buying this merchandise, finding a local outlet that sells Aquafina is easy. 

  • The company offers a wide variety of container sizes.

  • With the Aquafina bottle pouring water is easy and clean. 

  • Pricing for all of its bottled waters is inline with other major brands.

  • It is a bit pricey when compared to bargain brands.

  • Those who live in rural areas, or who are not located near a major retail outlet, may have some problems finding a local vendor.

  • Because of its processing, Aquafina purified water contains no minerals, including the good ones we need for overall health. 

Shop Stores: 

Best Seller:

Aquafina Purified Drinking Water (@ $5.18 + Sam's Club)


Fresh and pure, Aquafina water is the perfect companion for a range of activities and events. Aquafina is is rigorously purified water. Crisp and refreshing, Aquafina hydrates your body so you can focus on living and enjoying life to the fullest. With a 7-step purification system, Aquafina leaves behind just pure water and a perfect taste in every sip.

Top Features:

  • Cheap and affordable water

  • 7-step purification process

  • Calorie-free

  • Available in a wide range of bottle sizes

Poland Spring


Source:polandspring's facebook

Region:Poland, Maine

User reviews:4.8/5.0

Basic Information

Advertised as "100% natural spring water from the heart of Maine" since 1845, Poland Spring, owned by Nestlé, claims to meet and exceed spring water requirements set by the FDA and EPA, using third-party testing experts and various benchmark testing. 

Poland Spring is a low-mineral spring water bottled from ten different sources in the US state of Maine. It is a popular mass-market brand only sold in plastic bottles. The brand has reduced the plastic in its bottles by 30%.

History and Origin

Poland Spring’s business began as a guest house on the site of the original spring in 1797. The popular water from the site was first sold across New England in 1859 in barrels, and then an iconic “Moses” bottle in 1876. As demand grew over the decades, international offices as far away as Egypt and the Philippines were established. It eventually became a mass-market, PET-only brand owned as part of a portfolio by larger companies. BlueTriton is the current owner.

Pros and Cons of Poland Spring Water

  • 100% natural spring water

  • The bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic

  • Packed full of naturally occurring electrolytes

  •  Wide range of sizes

  • Available across the US.

  • Only available in plastic.

Shop Stores:

Best Seller:

Poland Spring Origin 100% Spring Water (@ $18.49 + Staples)


POLAND SPRING Spring Water contains naturally occurring minerals for a crisp, refreshing taste. So when you're looking for a trusted source of hydration for any occasion, choose POLAND SPRING.

Top Features:

  • 100% natural spring water

  • Sourced from a spring in Maine

  • The bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic

  • Packed full of naturally occurring electrolytes

Deer Park 


Source:deerparkwater's facebook

Region:Deer Park, Maryland

User reviews:4.6/5.0

Basic Information

Deer Park is a low- to medium-mineral mass-market still spring water bottled from sources in 4 different states along the US East Coast. It is owned by the same company that owns Poland Spring and Ice Mountain, but because the sources are so varied, the taste can vary substantially from region to region. They produce a sparkling version.Deer Park is also unique in that they’ve been in the bottled water business for an extremely long time. While most other leading brands were established in the 90s, Deer Park was founded in 1873.

History and Origin

Deer Park began as a local spring water in Deer Park, Maryland after the American Civil War. A popular spa was built around the spring, but when it closed the bottled water continued to be sold. The brand was expanded to multiple sources in the 1990s in order to increase the volume of sales. It is owned by BlueTriton Brands who own Ice Mountain and Poland Spring for sale in different regions.

Pros and Cons of Deer Park Water

  • Inexpensive hydration that is natural spring water rather than the processed bottled tap water often found at this price point

  • Healthy mineral content

  •  Wide range of sizes.

  •  Inconsistent mineral content

  • Only available in plastic.

Shop Stores:

Best Seller:

DEER PARK Brand 100% Natural Spring Water,  Pack of 12 ($14.99 @ Walmart)


DEER PARK Brand 100% Natural Spring Water has been a local favorite for generations. Sourced from carefully selected springs since 1873, DEER PARK Spring Water contains naturally occurring minerals for a crisp, clean taste. 

Top Features:

  • Bottled natural spring water can travel in a purse or backpack

  • Perfect to serve at parties, events, and game nights

  • This item can only be shipped regionally due to distributor restrictions

Ice Mountain 


Source:icemountainwater's facebook

Region:United States

User reviews:4.8/5.0

Basic Information

Ice Mountain is a medium-mineral mass-market still artesian water bottled from eight different springs in the US Great Lakes region, with a focus on three springs in Michigan where 95% of the volume comes from. They produce a sparkling version.

For the most part, Ice Mountain is as neutral as you can get, meaning it doesn't really yield a prominent, discerning flavor. If anything, it's a tad "minerally." On Amazon, it garners 81% approval and a 4.7 rating, although many customers say it can be difficult to find at local grocery stores. It's simply a dependable, "middle of the road" spring water. 

History and Origin

Ice Mountain is a brand of bottled water from BlueTriton Brands, produced and marketed primarily in the Midwest region of the United States. Ice Mountain sources their water from two groundwater wells at Sanctuary Spring in Mecosta County, Michigan and/or Evart Spring in Evart, Michigan. The water is drawn from underground springs using pump technology. Bottling is done at a plant in Stanwood, Michigan.

Pros and Cons of Ice Mountain Water 

  • Consistent flavor despite multiple sources;

  • Wide range of sizes.

  • A little  difficult to find at local grocery stores

  • Only available in plastic.

Shop Stores:

Best Seller:

Ice Mountain Sportcap 100% Natural Spring Water (@$4.19 + CVS)


Ice Mountain 100% Natural Spring Water comes in sport bottles that are 100% recyclable (excluding the cap and label on the bottles). It's very important and helpful to recycle your plastic water bottles to help reduce plastic waste that floods landfills, oceans and natural habitats. 

Top Features:

  • Contains naturally balanced minerals for a crisp, clean taste

  • Convenient for when you're running, hiking or working out

  • 100% natural spring water

  • 95% of the water sourced from natural springs in Michigan



Region:Whitestone, New York

User reviews:4.7/5.0

Basic Information

Glaceau SmartWater separates itself from the other bottled water companies by focusing specifically on their purification process, or rather the lack of one.Many of their advertisements claim that their water is as “pure as the first drop of rain,” focusing on how they don’t tamper or add any sort of minerals or flavoring to the water they source.

That doesn’t mean that Glaceau SmartWater simply sells water to consumers straight from the tap. Rather, they use a unique process that simulates the natural hydrologic cycle, vapor distilling water so that it essentially becomes like rainwater before it reaches the ground and becomes polluted.

History and Origin

With its debut in 1996, smartwater disrupted the bottled water status quo by reimagining hydration from the inside out, combining vapor-distilled water with added electrolytes for a pure, crisp taste, all in an iconic package. 

Pros and Cons of Smart Water

  • Beautiful presentation,

  • Unique source

  •  High purity

  • Global availability

  • Only available in plastic.

Shop Stores:

Best Seller:

Glaceau Smartwater Vapor Distilled Water, 24 Count(@$19.20 + Walmart)


This product is not just water. It contains essential electrolytes to replace those that have been naturally lost as you go about your busy day. This 20 fl oz Glaceau Smartwater vapor distilled water is just the right size for keeping yourself hydrated while on the go. 

Top Features:

  • Sized for on the go hydration

  • 20 fl oz bottle of Glaceau Smartwater vapor distilled water

  • Box of 24

  • Drinking distilled water with essential electrolytes

Aquafina vs. Poland Spring vs. Deer Park vs. Ice Mountain vs. Smartwater Comparison Side by Side


  • Aquafina

The sources of Aquafina bottled water include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water naturally travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it can pick up naturally occurring substances as well as substances that are present due to animal and human activity.

  • Poland Spring 

Poland Spring is derived from multiple sources in the state of Maine including Poland Spring and Garden Spring in Poland, Maine, Clear Spring in Hollis, Evergreen Spring in Fryeburg, Spruce Spring in Pierce Pond Township, White Cedar Spring in Dallas Plantation, and Bradbury Spring in Kingfield, and Cold Springs in Denmark.

  • Deer Park 

Deer Park source from springs that span across and around the Eastern Seaboard and beyond just to keep up with growing demand. 

  • Ice Mountain 

The vast majority of Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water comes from three carefully selected spring sources in Michigan. But they also source fresh-tasting water from other states and selected springs in and around America’s heartland.

  • Smartwater

All Smartwater bottles are now made from 100% rPET. GLACÉAU Smartwater is made from British spring water which is vapour-distilled before electrolytes are added. It has a distinctive, crisp, clean taste and is produced and bottled in Morpeth, Northumberland.


  • Aquafina

Aquafina is filtered water that is sodium-free and has no nutritional value. The flavored beverages contain flavors, some sodium and other chemicals.

  • Poland Spring 

Poland Spring spring water:spring water and invigorating bubbles. With no sugar and zero calories, this sparkling water is a guilt-free alternative to soft drinks and sugary beverages.

  • Deer Park 

Deer Park 100% Natural Spring Water:100% Natural Spring Water. zero calories, no sweeteners and no artificial colors or flavors

  • Ice Mountain 

Ice Mountain Brand Sparkling Water is made with real fruit flavors, natural spring water, and refreshing bubbles. That's it, nothing else. Zero sweeteners, Zero sugars, Zero calories.

  • Smartwater

Smartwater spring water:Smartwater  Vapour distilled carbonated spring water, natural lemon flavouring, electrolytes: calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate.

3.Flavor & Taste

  • Aquafina

Starts off good, but the aftertaste wasn’t to our liking. It’s a voluptuous water. Very full-bodied. The cabernet of water. This tastes like American excess.

For those who want some flavor, the Flavor Splash line offers customers a variety of delicious fruit flavors.There is also the Aquafina Sparking Water line which also offers consumers a variety of flavorings.

  • Poland Spring 

Poland Spring brand Water is made with real natural spring water, real fruit flavors and the addition of refreshing bubbles.

Poland Spring has a light and airy taste. Even though it comes from multiple spring sources, they have similar flavor profiles and none of them have a TDS higher than 74 mg/l, ensuring flavor that is consistent to most peoples’ palates.

  • Deer Park 

Deer Park brand water is made with real spring water, real fruit flavors, and added bubbles. Free of calories, sweeteners, sodium and sugar.

Deer Park’s TDS runs anywhere from a super-light 12 mg/l to a medium-mineral 170 mg/l. It usually does have a noticeable slight mineral taste and weight on the tongue, suggesting the sources tend to be at the higher end of the reported TDS range.

  • Ice Mountain 

Ice Mountain’s TDS ranges from 170 mg/l to 310 mg/l. These are all medium-level mineral levels, giving the water a noticeable earthy flavor, though the intensity varies depending on the specific spring.

The taste is smooth and there's an undeniable difference between spring water and regular drinking water.

  • Smartwater

Smart Water Pure, Vapor-distilled premium bottled water with added electrolytes. Infused with natural flavors for refreshing flavor and pure, crisp taste

For a sip of something different, smartwater comes in a variety of flavor options including cucumber lime and watermelon mint, each delicately infused with natural flavors. smartwater also comes in sparkling, alkaline and antioxidant variations for every need. 

4.PH Level

  • Aquafina

The pH of Aquafina falls between 5.5 and 7

pH level 6.0.Aquafina water comes from municipal water sources. It is purified after it is obtained using a 7-step process. Aquafina measured a pH of approximately 6.0.

  • Poland Spring 

Poland Spring measured at 7.2 pH.

Poland Spring water comes from a natural mountain spring. The water is thoroughly screened for contaminants, but many of the natural minerals can still be found in the water.

  • Deer Park 

Deer Park pH level is 5.5.

Deer Park obtains its water from natural springs and filters its water thoroughly, attempting to make the water as pure as possible without additives.

  • Ice Mountain 

Ice Mountain pH level is 7.9-8.2.

For the most part, Ice Mountain is as neutral as you can get, meaning it doesn't really yield a prominent, discerning flavor.

  • Smartwater

smartwater alkaline  ionized to a 9+pH.

Smartwater comes from municipal water sources. The water is purified through distillation, and it also contains electrolytes such as calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium bicarbonate. 

5.Bottled Water Availability

  • Aquafina 

Aquafina PET bottles is distributed in 12 US fluid ounces (0.35 L), 500 millilitres (17 US fl oz), 20 US fluid ounces (0.59 L), 24 US fluid ounces (0.71 L), 1 litre (34 US fl oz), 1.5 litres (51 US fl oz) bottles.

Price: Aquafina Purified Water. 24 x 16.9 oz. $6.39 ; 32 x 16.9 oz. $4.98 ; 8 x 12 oz. $2.98 on Walmart.

  • Poland Spring 

Poland Spring PET bottles ranging from 8 ounces (237 ml) to 5-gallon water cooler containers can be purchased across the United States in stores and online for home delivery. 

Price: A case of 48 half-liter bottles is sold on Amazon for $30.

  • Deer Park

Deer Park PET bottles ranging from 8 ounces (237 ml) to 5-gallon water cooler containers can be purchased across much of the eastern United States in stores and online for home delivery. 

Price: A case of 24 half-liter bottles is sold on Amazon for $19.

  • Ice Mountain 

Ice Mountain PET bottles ranging from 8 ounces (237 ml) to 5-gallon water cooler containers can be purchased across much of the US Midwest in stores and online for home delivery. 

Price: A case of 24 half-liter bottles is sold on Amazon for $31.


All natural, 100% mountain spring water Contains a perfectly balanced natural mineral composition for a crisp, refreshing taste 50.7-ounce/1.5-Liter plastic bottle.

 Prices: $2.37 (23.7 oz. (700mL); $2.77 ( 1L) ;  $3.19 (1.5L) ; $5.99(6 x 16.9 oz)

Aquafina vs. Poland Spring vs. Deer Park vs. Ice Mountain vs. Smartwater Full Comparison Chart

Water Brands


Poland Spring 

Deer Park

Ice Mountain 




(public water sources)

Spring (multiple sources)

Spring (multiple sources)Spring (multiple sources)British spring water

Country of Origin

United States

USA, Maine

USA (Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida)USA (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Colorado, Ohio)Morpeth, Northumberland


a little bit of carbonation i

Still and sparkling

Still and sparklingStill and sparklingmade bubbly through delicate carbonation

Packaging Type




Typical Price in USA

16.9 oz, 32 Pack Bottles  $6.98 

$0.63 for 500 ml in plastic

$0.80 for 500 ml in plastic$1.29 for 500 ml in plasticpremium water bottles, 1L, 6 Pack · $9.78

Where to Buy


website, grocery and convenience stores, Walmart

Poland Spring website, grocery and convenience stores, Amazon

Deer park website, grocery and convenience stores, AmazonIce mountain website, grocery and convenience stores, Amazon


website, grocery and convenience stores, Sam's Club


 5.5 - 7 (pure water)

5.4 - 7.3 (still)

4.6 - 5.1 (sparkling)

5.4 - 8.1 (still)

4.0 - 5.6 (sparkling)

7.9 - 8.2 (still)

4.0 - 4.6 (sparkling)

9+ pH(alkaline)

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)

The Aquafina average TDS reading is 4 — that's 2.5 times lower than FDA standards and 75% less than the closest competitive brand.

<10 - 74 mg/l (still)

32 - 76 mg/l (sparkling)

12 - 170 mg/l (still)

15 - 150 mg/l (sparkling)

170 - 310 mg/l (still)

15 - 32 mg/l (sparkling)

10 Mg/l(Sulfates)

36 Mg/l (Total Dissolved Solids)

Unique Characteristics

Substances with radioactive properties that can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities

Consistently light flavor despite multiple sources

Nothing particularly unique, buy it for being a cheap natural water.Consistent moderate mineral flavor despite multiple sourceswhen smartwater mixed vapor distilled water with electrolytes, they created something new. 

All You Need To Know About Buying The Best Bottled Water

Below you’ll find a “water label glossary” with some standard definitions of label terms from the FDA. Along with that information, note that if you see terms on bottles, like “glacier water” and “mountain water,” there’s no standard definition for those terms.

  • Although bottled water, often advertised as a “pure” and “natural” alternative to tap water, is generally safe, it’s actually less regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) than municipal water supplies. The EPA is responsible for regulating the safety of tap water (municipal or public water supplies), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for the safety of bottled water.

  • Bottled-water makers aren’t required by the FDA to disclose where their water comes from, how it was treated, or what contaminants it might contain. Disclosure is purely voluntary (except in California). And the bottled stuff is subject to a less stringent safety standard than tap water.

  • Whatever the bottle says, don’t be misled by crisp blue labels and pictures of mountains. Purified tap water is the source of much of the bottled water produced in the U.S., according to industry data. Many consumers could cut out the middleman (and produce far less plastic waste for municipal landfills) by investing in a water filter and reusable water bottle to tote when they’re on the go.

Conclusion:Which Bottled Water Brand is the Best?

If you’re wondering which these 5 brands of water( Aquafin, Poland Spring, Deer Park, Ice Mountain and Smartwater) to choose, rest assured that both are excellent choices.

Both spring water and purified water must meet strict safety standards set by the FDA and EPA, making them safe for you to drink.

The type of water you should choose depends mostly on your preferences and what’s accessible to you. In many cases, people choose the type of water that tastes best to them, which can be largely subjective.

Ultimately, you should choose the water that you’re most likely going to drink.


1.Who needs to buy bottled water?

Potable water is well-suited for people that live in places with untrustworthy regional water equipment, or who wish to be ready in the event of a catastrophe. A well-stocked emergency shield must include both bottled water and also long-term storage.

2.Which Bottled Water is the healthiest?

Drinking more high-quality water will enhance your health. If you have a long term illness, kidney problems, cancer, or require ongoing medical treatment, you should see a doctor. The nutritive value is the most important factor to consider.

3.Is drinking  bottled Wate bad for you?

Provided that you’re getting a high-quality resource for your bottled water, then you do not need to fret about bottled water being bad for you.

4.How long does bottled water last?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require a shelf life for bottled water.While the water will technically never expire, most producers recommend not drinking bottled water that has been sitting for over two years. 

5.How should bottled water be stored?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require a shelf life for bottled water.While the water will technically never expire, most producers recommend not drinking bottled water that has been sitting for over two years. 

6.What bottled water is the safest to drink?

The analysis concluded that the four yes. Just four bottled water manufacturers possess a pH and fluoride degree entirely safe for the teethFiji, only Water. Deer Park Natural Spring Water, and Evamor.

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