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VEVOR Promotions
$90.99 (was $149.99) + FREE Shipping VEVOR Push Lawn Sweeper, 26 Inch Leaf & Grass Collector @ VEVOR
- VEVOR has VEVOR Push Lawn Sweeper, 26 Inch Leaf & Grass Collector, Strong Rubber Wheels & Heavy Duty Thickened Steel Durable to Use with Large Capacity 7 ft³ Mesh Collection Bag, 4 Spinning Brushes for only $90.99 (was $149.99) + FREE Shipping
- Keep Your Lawn Spotless: Unlike most lawn sweepers, our lawn sweeper has thickened and densified four brushes to increase the overall sweeping force and prevent deformation. With a sweeping width of 26"/66 cm, it can pick up 80% of the debris in one pass.
- Price may be changed without notice.