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Lux Promotions
$29.99 (was $39.99) 25% OFF Anti Slip Soccer Socks (Calf) - Black (Multipack) @ LUX
- Get 25% OFF Anti Slip Soccer Socks (Calf) - Black (Multipack) for only $29.99 (was $39.99) @ LUX
- Elevate your game with LUX Anti-Slip Grip Soccer Socks, featuring innovative GripArray technology for unmatched stability and control. These socks lock your foot, sock, and shoe together, ensuring a secure fit for explosive movements. With reinforced padding, arch compression, and moisture-wicking materials, they deliver exceptional comfort, durability, and performance. Whether you're training, competing, or simply staying active, LUX socks keep you a step ahead.
- Price may be changed without notice.