Clinique Cashback
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Clinique Cash Back Detail
0% cash back for ordering on Clinique's official website with using Gilt City Voucher.
0% cash back for ordering with newcomer coupon code.
Cash Back is not available on the purchase or redemption of gift cards.
Reseller purchases do not qualify for Cash Back.
Use of coupon/promotional codes not listed on Extrabux may void Cash Back.
Do make sure your shopping cart is empty when you click through to the store from Extrabux.
Clinique Promotions
50% Off Duos + Free 6-Pc. Gift ($88 Value) & Full-Size Moisturizer 25% Off Valentine's Day Sitewide Sale @ Clinique
- Get 25% off your order + free 6-pc. gift ($88 value) when you spend $75 (after discount) via promo code LOVE25 Copiedat Clinique.
- Offer ends 2/23/2025. Items priced as marked. Excludes gift sets, travel sizes, and items marked as not eligible for discounts.
- 48 hours only - Spend $100 to get a Moisture Surge™ 100H Hydrator, 30ml ($30 value) via promo code LOVE25Copied.
- 50% off skincare duos
- Get up to 6 minis at checkout. Pick 1 with every $15 you spend.
- Free standard shipping on $50+ orders. Smart Rewards orders ship free.
- Excludes gift sets, travel sizes and products marked ineligible for discount.