Earning Cash Back
Why doesn't my cash back show up after I complete my purchase?
Do I have to visit Extrabux every time before I shop to earn cash back?
Am I buying directly from Extrabux?
What's the difference between Pending and Available cash back?
Why does one of my purchases have a status of "Pending and unconfirmed"?
How long does it take for cash back to become Available?
How do I receive my cash back payments?
Can I use or buy a gift certificate and still get cash back?
Can I use coupons not provided by Extrabux and still get cash back?
Can I earn cash back on Extrabux if I don't live in the United States?
How do I make sure I always earn cash back? (DO's and DON'Ts)
Is there any software or settings that can keep me from earning cash back?
How can I ensure Cash Back Shopping with AdBlock or Adblock Plus installed?
Which stores do not allow "Add Purchase"?
Why is my order inquiry rejected?
How to "Add Purchase" manually?
Why does one of my purchases have a status of "canceled"?
Why does one of my purchases cashback "unconfirmed"?
What's the difference between Cashback Boost Card and VIP Card?