Why is my order inquiry rejected?
Major causes of an inquiry rejected are listed as below:
Transaction Referred by Another Affiliate/Publisher
Possible causes
Use a Web browser that does not support cookie tracking.
Already had items in your shopping cart when you clicked through from Extrabux.
Click on other sources to get to the merchant as well as clicking on Extrabux around the time that you place your order.
Use coupons or promotion codes from sources other than Extrabux. (This includes the codes you receive from merchant emails, social media like blogs or postal mails, etc., then the credit of your order goes to the source of that coupon code).
Cookies expired. Take too long to place the order after clicking through Extrabux.
Credited to Other Channel
Possible causes
Click directly through links that provided by merchants.
Use coupons or promotion codes that are not posted on Extrabux.
Take too long to place the order after clicking through Extrabux. (Merchants may lose tracking records)
Non-Commissionable Coupon Code Used
Possible causes
Use coupons or promotion codes from sources other than Extrabux. (This includes the codes you receive from merchant emails, social media like blogs or postal mails, etc., then the credit of your order goes to the source of that coupon code).
Possible causes
Use coupons from sources other than Extrabux. (This includes the codes you receive from merchant emails, social media like blogs or postal mails, etc.)
Click to other shopping sources before placing an order or use promotional links from other coupons/rewards sites in the shopping session.
Use more than one browsers or open too many unrelated tabs. (Stick to the initial window opened for you by Extrabux at the beginning of your shopping session till your purchase is complete.)
Shopping cart is not empty when you click through to the store from Extrabux.
Click the merchant email to place an order.
Clear cookies while you are shopping or cookies expired during your shopping session.
Didn't click through to the store from Extrabux.
Close the merchant page during shopping.
Order cancelled/Return the order or part of the order to the merchant.
Order Cancelled
Possible cause
Order cancelled/Return the order or part of the order to the merchant.
Not Last Referred Click
Possible causes
Click to other shopping sources before placing an order or use promotional links from other coupons/rewards sites in the shopping session.
Shopping cart is not empty when you click through to the store from Extrabux.
Can not Locate OID/OID Invalid
Possible causes:
Order has not been delivered.
Order has been returned or cancelled.
Order is not tracked by merchant.
Order is placed without logging in to Extrabux
Order violated merchant's cash back restrictions.
Clear cookies while you are shopping or cookies experied in your shopping sessions.
Order ID invalid.