
10 Best Websites to Buy Discount & Used Outdoor Gear 2025(Coupons + 10% Cashback)
If you like playing outside (biking, climbing, even something as simple as hiking), it requires gear. And outdoor gear is often expensive,especially if you have a penchant for buying high-quality brands.Luckily for you, you can get used and discount gear at a fraction of the price.Buying used outdoor gear will allow you to enjoy the outdoors without spending a fortune on gear such as hiking boots, camping tents, and fitness apparel. And although used, many of these items are usually in very good condition. Imagine buying new-like hiking boots at 50% less.In addition to saving you a lot of money, buying gently used items contributes to reducing the amount of textile waste in the environment.
But buying used gear online can be a risky affair if you don’t know where to look.So where to buy discount outdoor and camping gear online? In this guide we will show you the best ten discount and used outdoor gear websites.You are still getting top quality gear, just not at top dollar prices.
If you’re looking for one of the broadest selections of used outdoor gear for sale, go no further than Gear Trade. GearTrade is essentially the eBay of used and discounted outdoor gear. On this online used gear marketplace, you can find anything from packrafts to backpacks, to bikes, and more – and everything is sold by the owner. Sometimes you can even find deals on gear that is practically brand new! You can buy all types of outdoor gear at a reasonable price. You can also make some extra cash and sell some of your gear yourself!
GearTrade does offer some protection for buyers, too, so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck with an item if it was misrepresented by the seller. And, if you’re looking to sell some of your used gear in order to upgrade, this is a great place to list it!Plus, buying everything you need is super simple with their multiple item/cart checkout of products from different sellers (one of the only sellers to do so outside sites like Amazon).
With prices sometimes set at over 80% off and the wide variety they have available, it’s hard not to put Gear Trade toward the top of your list when searching for your next piece of used gear.
【Coupons & Discounts】
【Cashback from Extrabux】When you buy outdoor gear on GearTrade ,don't forget to sign up at Extrabux.com!(What is Extrabux), you can enjoy Up to 3% Super Cash Back on your order from Extrabux! Sign-Up Bonus: Free to join it & get $20 welcome bonus!
2.The Clymb
The Clymb is an online shop that has daily and weekly deals on outdoor gear, apparel, and equipment from big-name brands.The deals don’t last for long, though, so you’ll need to act fast if you see a discounted piece of gear that you love.They also offer some great discounts on some fantastic outdoor trips.
The downfall to The Clymb is that you need to sign up with your email in order to see the prices. But it will be worth it for a good deal! They also sell discounted trips on their site, so it might be a good idea to keep your eye on those as well!
【Coupons & Discounts】
Get 10% of next order when you sign up for texts.
Your entire order ships for free when you purchase anything from The Clymb collection.
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At Moosejaw Mountaineering, they specialize in the finest selection of the best gear and outerwear in the world, as well as some totally unnecessary nonsense guaranteed to make any day better. They carry top brands including North Face, Burton, ArcaTeryx, Patagonia and Cloudveil, among others. Sign up for Moosejaw Rewards and get 10% back on your purchase in points to use right away. Head to their sales section for even more bargain deals at 40-50% off.
【Coupons & Discounts】
Extra $20 in Moosejaw rewards on Items over $79 plus Free 2Day when ou use code SPUD20.
EXTRA 30% OFF Moosejaw brand outerwear when you use code MEATBALL.(Offer valid through Saturday, December 25th, 2025)
Sign up and get 10% off.
Free shipping over $49.
【Cashback from Extrabux】10% Super Cash Back from Extrabux.
4.Steep & Cheap
One of the best places to shop for outdoor products at a discounted rate is at Steep and Cheap.Steep & Cheap is Backcountry.com’s online outlet where you can find great deals on big brand names, with frequently rotating inventory. You can find big-name brands, daily deals, plus plenty of apparel and equipment to get geared up for an epic time outside. A lot of these deals are limited and frequently change, so there is no time to ponder on the buy. Any time we’re thinking about picking up a new piece of gear, we’ll check this site to see if it’s on there.
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Enter to win a $200 gift card to Steepandcheap.com.
【Cashback from Extrabux】5% Super Cash Back from Extrabux.
eBay may not be specially tailored for an outdoor enthusiast, but it’s one of the best places to shop for pre-owned outdoor gear. Its advanced search and filter options make it very easy to find second-hand outdoor gear under the Outdoors Sports category. Secondly, with so many users on the platform, it easily has the largest selection of used outdoor gear on this list.
For gear, go to their Outdoor Sports category for everything from vintage climbing gear to the latest outdoor gadgets. And with so many users WORLDWIDE, they’re selection is unmatched (and maybe just a bit overwhelming).
For gear sellers, eBay offers some of the most maximal returns for your product. You get to set the price, bargain with interested buyers, and when all’s said and done, eBay only retains a small percentage of selling price.
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【Cashback from Extrabux】Up to 4.6% Super Cash Back from Extrabux.
6.Outdoor Gear Exchange
This Burlington, Vermont-based outdoor gear shop sells a large selection of pre-owned and lightly used gear in addition to new products for every season. Outdoor Gear Exchange is full of discontinued and closeout gear where you can score great deals on tons of outdoor brands. Check out their camping gear sale section to find the deals.One thing that is cool about using Outdoor Gear Exchange is that consignment gear that doesn’t sell after 8 months is donated to charities, including refugee groups.
【Coupons & Discounts】
Free shipping on order $49+.
Enter you email for a chance to win five $100 OGE gift cards.
【Cashback from Extrabux】3% Super Cash Back from Extrabux.
EVOis primarily a snow sports store, but they do often have discounts on camping gear. It’s worth swinging by if you’re in the market for a tent or sleeping bag in particular. And, even on full price items, they are committed to offering the lowest price: if you find an item for a lower final price on a competitor website, they will beat it by 5%!
【Coupons & Discounts】
Sign up and get 15% off 1st order.
Free shipping on orders over $50.
Select Grip Tape for $.01 with Skate Deck Purchase.
【Cashback from Extrabux】Cashback temporarily unavailable
Backcountry.com is one of the largest online retailers that sells clothing and outdoor recreation gear for hiking, camping, road biking, mountain biking, rock climbing, winter sports, fly fishing, kayaking, rafting, road and trail running, and more. And they alson have some amazing sales and discounts on a variety of gear. So it’s worth checking out their Sales page, where you can sort by brand, activity, or browse through their 50%+ off section.
【Coupons & Discounts】
Get a 15% off code when you subscribe to emails.
Free standard shipping on orders $50+.
Up to 60% off holiday sale.
【Cashback from Extrabux】6% Super Cash Back from Extrabux.
9.REI Outlet
REI is a go-to for reliable and multi-functional gear that is built to last. But REI is known to be pricy. Having high-quality gear does come at a price. Luckily REI has come up with a great way to buy discounted gear: The REI Outlet. The REI Outlet is the co-op’s best place for deals on outdoor gear and clothing 365 days a year. Here you’ll find great gear and an easy shopping experience.
They often have last season’s models or colors on sale. You can usually find discounted outdoor gear at a decent price!Items in the outlet are still backed by REI’s awesome return & refund policy, too! If you are ok with not having the coolest gear in the market, then go ahead and check it out!
Also, be sure to sign up for REI’s emails to be alerted about new deals and sales. And if you become a member you can receive yearly dividends from gear that you purchase as well as member-only coupons. A lifetime membership is only $20 and it definitely pays for itself!
【Coupons & Discounts】
Free Shipping on orders of $50+.
Up to 30% ogg gear & clothing.
【Cashback from Extrabux】Cashback temporarily unavailable
10.REI Used Gear
In addition to the Outlet, REI also has a Used Gear section on their website (basically the online version of their famous garage sales!). It’s a great place for outdoor enthusiasts and gear lovers to score deals on hundreds of pre-loved products for way less than new price tags. The used gear shop includes apparel, accessories like gaiters, sleeping bags, packs, tents, and bike bags. It has a ton of awesome and extensive choices.
Every REI used gear is strictly vetted for quality and functionality, cleaned, and shipped right to you door.All REI’s used gear is backed by a 30-day guarantee.
Additionally, it offers gear from some of the top brands in the industry such as KEEN, Altra, Mountain Hardwear, and Patagonia. If you’re looking for high-quality gear for camping and hiking, cycling, or fitness, you are spoilt for choice.
【Coupons & Discounts】temporarily unavailable
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The North Face vs. Columbia vs. Patagonia: Which is the Best Outdoor Gear Brand?

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