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Sohnne Promotions
$649 (WAS $1099) 40% OFF Noguchi Table Replica by Isamu Noguchi @ Sohnne
- Sohnne has 40% OFF Noguchi Table Replica by Isamu Noguchi for only $649 (WAS $1099)
- Designed by Isamu Noguchi in 1944, the Noguchi Table Replica seamlessly merges art and functionality. Its sculptural interlocking wood base and freeform glass top embody timeless elegance and balance. A centerpiece of modern design, this table transforms any space with its iconic charm. Elevate your decor—order this masterpiece today!
- Price may be changed without notice.
$1699 (WAS $3089) 45% OFF Egg Chair Replica with Stool by Arne Jacobsen @ Sohnne
- Sohnne has 45% OFF Egg Chair Replica with Stool by Arne Jacobsen for only $1699 (WAS $3089), Shipment Protected by InsureShield
- Designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1958, the Egg Chair is a mid-century icon of elegance and comfort. Its sculptural form creates a private, cocooning experience, perfect for any modern space. A timeless symbol of Scandinavian craftsmanship—don’t miss the chance to own this design masterpiece.
- Price may be changed without notice.