Priceline Cashback
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- Join for FREE with an email and password
- Click the "Start Shopping" button or choose a coupon
- Cash back will be added to your Extrabux account!
Priceline Cash Back Detail
- Cash Back
- All Other
- 4.5% Get Cash Back
- Retail Flight
- $3.6 Get Cash Back
- Bookings made with the use of a coupon code
- No Cashback
Cash back will not be rewarded on canceled orders, taxes, travel insurance, any carrier fees, and orders placed through Priceline's mobile app.
Use of coupon/promotional codes not listed on Extrabux may void Cash Back.
Cashback is confirmed within 90 days of completed travel.
Do make sure your shopping cart is empty when you click through to the store from Extrabux.
Priceline Promotions
Save an EXTRA 10% on Hotel Express Deals Las Vegas, NV - save up to $389 off Hotel + Flight @Priceline
- Las Vegas, NV - save up to $389 off Hotel + Flight @Priceline. Save an EXTRA 10% on Hotel Express Deals with promo code SAVEXTRACopied , Coupon valid from 5/6-5/20/24 9am EST. $50 max savings. Must be signed in to redeem. Any unused portion of the coupon will not be refunded or extended as a credit. Coupon does not apply to taxes and fees.
- Priceline was founded in 1997 on the back of a brilliant original idea. Airlines regularly flew only two-thirds full, with millions of seats empty. A million hotel rooms might go unused every night.
- Save up to 40% in Vegas when you bundle hotel + flight!
- Save up to 60% with Express Deals
- Price may be changed without notice.
Save up to 20% on Universal Orlando Resort Hotels @Priceline
- Save up to 20% on Universal Orlando Resort Hotels @Priceline, Minimum 4-night stay.
- Universal's Endless Summer Resort from $180/night
- Loews Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando from $857
- Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando from $783
- Price may be changed without notice.