Eve Lom US Cashback
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Eve Lom US Promotions
$72.50 (Was $145) 50% Off Lunar New Year Cleanser 200ml @ Eve Lom
- Take 50% off Lunar New Year Cleanser 200ml at Eve Lom.
- Free US shipping on $50+.
- Choose 2 free samples with every order.
- Size: 200ml, 3.3fl.oz with 1 full size 100% cotton Muslin Cloth
- Introducing Special Edition Lunar New Year Cleanser, adorned with an elegant snake-inspired design. This iconic 5-in-1 Cleanser balm, made with our signature blend of aromatic oils, hydrates, tones, removes make-up, and leaves your skin glowing—perfect for starting the Year of the Snake with a luminous complexion.
- Price may be changed without notice.