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ECOVACS Cash Back Detail
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- DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI Mopping Pads, DEEBOT Buddy: 710/711, DEEBOT 500/N79 Series Buddy Kit, Mopping Pads for DEEBOT 600/601/661, DEEBOT OZMO 920/950/T5/T8 Buddy Kit, DEEBOT 600/601/661 Buddy Kit, DEEBOT Mopping Kit: DEEBOT 600, DEEBOT OZMO 601/610 Mopping Pads, DEEBOT OZMO 930/937 Mopping Pads, DEEBOT Buddy: 900, DEEBOT OZMO 930/937 Buddy Kit, WINBOT X Cleaning Pads, Charging Dock, DEEBOT OZMO 920/950/T5 Mopping Pads.
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ECOVACS Promotions
$699.99 (was $999.99) ECOVACS DEEBOT T30S Black Robot Vacuum
- ECOVACS has DEEBOT T30S Black Robot Vacuum for only $699.99 (was $999.99), shipping is FREE
- $365 off DEEBOT T30S+three pieces of dust Bags + four pairs of washable mopping pads.
- Edge-Clean, Tangle-Free, Pure Brilliance.
- DEEBOT T30S stands out with TruEdge Technology, allowing the mop plate to extend constantly for full coverage. Through precise control from the Continuous Variable Mop Extender and the 3D Omni-Directional Perception Sensors, the mop plate reaching every nook and cranny with its seamless extendable and retractable design. With an optimal 1mm distance from walls and obstacles, TruEdge ensures spoltless cleaning, resulting in a 100% cleaning coverage compared to previous models.
- Price may be changed without notice.
$939.99 (was $1299.99) DEEBOT X5 PRO OMNI Automated Vacuum Cleaner (12,800Pa Suction, ZeroTangle, TruEdge, AINA 2.0)
- ECOVACS has DEEBOT X5 PRO OMNI Automated Vacuum Cleaner (12,800Pa Suction, ZeroTangle, TruEdge, AINA 2.0) for only $939.99 (was $1299.99) , shipping is FREE
- 【Unbeatable 12,800Pa Suction Power】 Experience a new level of clean with the DEEBOT X5 PRO OMNI. It boasts a wind tunnel and suction power up to 12,800Pa , driven by advanced motor and airflow technology, makes cleaning carpets effortless. Enjoy spotless floors throughout your home, without the hassle.
- Price may be changed without notice.