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BougeRV Promotions
40% OFF BougeRV Rocky 41QT Dual Zone 12V Portable Fridge only $329.99 shipped
- BougeRV has Rocky 41QT Dual Zone 12V Portable Fridge only $329.99 shipped with promo code PD40Copied , was $549.99, Fridge with Battery only $449.99, was $749.99 (the same promo code)
- Constructed from robust, rustproof stainless steel, this overland refrigerator exudes the resilience of an adventurous spirit. It boasts dual compartments with independent temperature controls, allowing for flexible storage options as a refrigerator, freezer, or both.
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$552.49 (was $849.99) shipped BougeRV Rocky Solar Battery Portable Fridge Kit (41QT Fridge+Battery+Solar Panel) @ BougeRV
- BougeRV has BougeRV Rocky Solar Battery Portable Fridge Kit (41QT Fridge+Battery+Solar Panel) for only $552.49 (was $849.99) shipped with promo code VD35Copied
- This kit including a BougeRV Rocky 41QT Dual Zone 12V Portable Fridge, Detachable Battery of Dual-Zone Portable Fridge, and BougeRV 50W Fiberglass Flexible Portable Solar Panel
- The BougeRV Rocky 41QT Dual Zone overlanding cooler is expertly crafted to endure the rigors of your adventurous overland excursions.
- Price may be changed without notice.
48% OFF BougeRV 12V 30 Quart (28L) Portable Fridge only $215.99 shipped
- BougeRV has 12V 30 Quart (28L) Portable Fridge only $215.99 shipped , was $299.99, Fridge+Juicego Power Station only $352.5, was $499.99. The BougeRV 12V Car Fridge is your perfect companion for all your road trips, camping, and outdoor adventures.
- With advanced compressor cooling technology, it guarantees to keep your food and drinks cool even in the hottest weather conditions. The LED display makes temperature control a breeze, while its energy-efficient and low-noise operation ensures that you can enjoy your outdoor activities without any disturbance. Get ready to elevate your outdoor experience with this amazing portable refrigerator from BougeRV.
- Price may be changed without notice.
$224.99 (was $429.99) 50% OFF BougeRV ASPEN 30 Dual-Zone 34QT 12V Portable Refrigerator
- BougeRV has 50% OFF BougeRV ASPEN 30 Dual-Zone 34QT 12V Portable Refrigerator now only $224.99 (was $429.99) , shipping is FREE
- The world's first dual-system fridge that is perfect for all your outdoor adventures! With its regular dual zone control system and the unique IceDrive™ system, you can freely combine the freezer and fridge as you need, and enjoy ice cream and iced drinks anywhere. The IceDrive™ System, can reach 0°F in just 30 minutes and maintain it below 0°F, even as low as -9°F. Don't settle for less when it comes to your outdoor adventures. Get BougeRV Aspen 30 12V 34 quart portable fridge today and enjoy fresh, ice-cold food and drinks wherever you go!
- Price may be changed without notice.