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Blackview Promotions
$524.99 (was $759.99) + FREE Shipping 30% OFF Blackview BL9000 Pro 5G 12+512GB @ Blackview
- Blackview has Blackview BL9000 Pro 5G 12+512GB FLIR® Lepton 3.5 Thermal lmaging Camera MyFLIR® Pro APP 6.78-inch Dimensity 8020 6nm Ruggedized Cellphone for only $524.99 (was $759.99) + FREE Shipping with promo code SPECIALOFFER5Copied
- With the latest FLIR® Lepton 3.5 thermal sensor, Blackview BL9000 Pro captures thermal images in unprecedented detail, quadrupling the resolution and expanding the field of view to 57°, enhancing its ability to identify leaks, moisture, and blockages.
- Price may be changed without notice.