SoVenture Cashback
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SoVenture Cash Back Detail
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SoVenture Promotions
Supplemental Travel insurance - Travel Delay enjoy Up to $100 a day (2-day maximum) @SoVenture
- Supplemental Travel insurance - Travel Delay enjoy Up to $100 a day (2-day maximum) after a 12-hour delay period requiring an unplanned overnight stay @SoVenture, Lost Checked Luggage - enjoy Up to $3,000 per certificate period (up to $500 per item) & Up to $6,000 lifetime limit, Border Entry Protection - enjoy Up to $500 if traveling on a valid B-2 visa and denied entrance at the U.S. border.
- Price may be changed without notice.
Medical & Unexpected Death - Up to $20,000 lifetime maximum – not subject to overall maximum limit
- Choose Medical & Unexpected Death plan and get Up to $20,000 lifetime maximum @SoVenture, not subject to overall maximum limit.
- Local Burial or Cremation: Up to $10,000 lifetime maximum.
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment(Excludes Loss Due to Common CarrierAccident): Under Age 18 get Lifetime maximum: $5,000 / Death: $5,000 / Loss of 2 limbs: $5,000 / Loss of 1 limb: $2,500; Ages 18 Through 69: Lifetime maximum: $25,000 / Death: $25,000 / Loss of 2 limbs: $25,000 / Loss of 1 limb: $12,500 $250,000 maximum benefit any one family or group (not subject to overall maximum limit).
- Price may be changed without notice.