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Parts Express Promotions
for $69.98 + free shipping 25% off Dayton Audio DA30 2 x 15W Class D Bridgeable Mini Amplifier @Parts Express
- Save 25% off Dayton Audio DA30 2 x 15W Class D Bridgeable Mini Amplifier @Parts Express, for $69.98 + free shipping.
- Choose the Dayton Audio DA30 amplifier for your fixed audio application. Its small chassis fits away neatly for security, while the big sound fills classrooms and conference rooms. 2 x 15W power output into 4 ohms or 1 x 30W bridged output into 8 ohms. Clear, articulate hi-fi sound quality, but built for the tough requirements of commercial duty. Cool-running Class D circuitry delivers high output while reducing AC line current demands. Ideal for classrooms, boardrooms, or bedrooms. Recessed, tamper-resistant tone controls provide simple sound shaping. Compact size makes it easy for this amp to fit almost anywhere. Add a Bluetooth receiver (sold separately) for even greater control flexibility!
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for $39.99 + free shipping 20% off Dayton Audio DCS165-4 6-1/2" Classic Subwoofer 4 Ohm @Parts Express
- Save 20% off Dayton Audio DCS165-4 6-1/2" Classic Subwoofer 4 Ohm @Parts Express, for $39.99 + free shipping.
- Capable of impressive low end when installed in enclosures of less than 0.5 cubic feet, the DCS165-4 6-1/2" subwoofer from Dayton Audio's Classic Series is the perfect low cost solution for compact low frequency designs.
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for $249.98 + free shipping 22% off Dayton Audio HTA100 Integrated Stereo Hybrid Tube Amplifier 100 Watts @Parts Express
- Save 22% off Dayton Audio HTA100 Integrated Stereo Hybrid Tube Amplifier 100 Watts @Parts Express, for $249.98 + free shipping.
- Experience the power of music with the HTA100 hybrid tube amplifier. With 100 watts of output power and amber-toned preamp tubes, this amplifier provides a rich and warm sound that will elevate your music experience. You can connect your favorite devices with multiple inputs such as Bluetooth, Coaxial and Optical Digital inputs, Line-in, and Phono RCA inputs that come with a preamp and ground hookup for turntables.
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for $98.98 + free shipping 40% off Dayton Audio DTA-PRO 100W Class D Bluetooth Amplifier @Parts Express
- Save 40% off Dayton Audio DTA-PRO 100W Class D Bluetooth Amplifier with USB DAC IR Remote and Sub Output @Parts Express, for $98.98 + free shipping.
- The Dayton Audio DTA Pro provides a rich feature set including Bluetooth, USB DAC, and even a wireless remote control. With 50 watts per channel at 4 ohms, the DTA-Pro provides enough power to run even the most demanding speakers. High efficiency paired with low THD offers up an impeccably clean, uncolored audio experience.
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