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Hearing Aid Accessories is one of the UK’s leading hearing aid accessories suppliers and is now expanding into the international market - resulting in record numbers of sales. more details »
wallpaperdirect is a trading name of C. Brewer & Sons Ltd. and is part of the BREWERS group of companies. They are one of the leading suppliers of decorating materials in the UK. Established in 1904 they are still a family run business more details »
Goldenerre is a modern jewelry brand elevating women's wearable tech with style and trusted quality. They offer designer, jewelry-inspired watch bands for Apple, Samsung, and Garmin. They also sell matching jewelry and tech accessories more details »
Welcome to Techwear Club, your top pick of techwear and streetwear style clothing. They're dedicated to giving you the very best of techwear and streetwear, with a focus on techwear style, cyberpunk style, urban utility. more details »
Cotosen is the leading online store that combines function with fashion, convenience with comfort. Setting the standard for tactical, outdoor clothing and accessories worldwide. more details »
2007年成立的樂齡網,是台灣第一家專為銀髮族服務的生活百貨通路,以健康的銀髮族/樂齡族為主要客群,引進日本、歐美等國內外各式熟年生活精品,包含食、衣、住、行、育、樂等全方面需求,蒐羅專為銀髮族設計的貼心商品超過5000種。 more details »
Aqua-Tex 防水噴霧使用成本較高的「氟素原料」製造,再用平價的方式來回饋給消費者,讓對於高單價防水噴霧卻步的消費者有了另一個選擇。希望 Aqua-Tex 能夠帶給大家煥然一新的防水新體驗。 more details »
成立於2013年,由法國藍帶甜點主廚Angel領軍,為了兼顧品質與口感,使用法國進口發酵奶油,以及高纖維低熱量的日本海藻糖,融合台灣特產水果與茶葉等原物料,提倡低糖、低油、健康養生的概念,讓本土特色的糕點有了時尚新風貌。 more details »