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Ottocast Promotions
for $73 + free shipping 23% off Car TV Mate Pro- HDMI Multimedia & Wireless CarPlay Adapter @Ottocast
- Save 23% off Car TV Mate Pro- HDMI Multimedia & Wireless CarPlay Adapter @Ottocast, for $73 + free shipping.
- The Car TV Mate Pro is an HDMI multimedia and wireless CarPlay adapter designed to enhance in-car entertainment and connectivity. It allows you to mirror your smartphone's screen, use wireless CarPlay (for iOS devices), and access various multimedia features on your car's display.
- Price may be changed without notice.
for $269 + free shipping 21% off OttoAibox P3 CarPlay AI Box @Ottocast
- Save 21% off OttoAibox P3 CarPlay AI Box @Ottocast, for $269 + free shipping.
- The OttoAibox P3 CarPlay AI Box is a device designed to enhance the in-car entertainment and navigation experience by integrating advanced features into your vehicle's infotainment system. It is particularly popular among users who want to add Wireless CarPlay or Android Auto functionality to their cars, especially if their vehicles do not natively support these systems.
- Price may be changed without notice.