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Hector & George is a new brand selling fleece lined water proof coats, and believes that outdoor gear should be as practical as it is stylish. That’s why they’ve designed their collection of long, warm, windproof and waterproof co more details »
Turbine technology based shoe dryer that dries your soaking wet shoes in less than 30 minutes or a glove in 15 minutes. No more wet shoes or gloves. more details »
Inspired by the incredible women they have met - and continue to meet - Hedoine wants to bring a new reality to the forefront, and new meaning to modern femininity.
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Heidi Merrick is a Los Angeles-based fashion designer known for her elegant and effortless designs and launched her eponymous label in 2006.
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Heim Nest is mattress brand manufacturer in Morocco. Heim Nest believes sleep is a human right, engineering mattresses for tailored support and fostering employee wellness through self-care. more details »
ABOUT HEIMDAL SECURITY At Heimdal Security they protect users and companies from cyber-criminal actions. They're one of the fastest growing companies in the cyber security industry - highly focused on user education through their more details »
Heivy is devoted to creating exceptional, ready to go collagen drinks for long-lasting health and beauty benefits. Since its beginnings, Heivy has grown to become a U.S. market leader in internal and external collagen beauty and wellness more details »