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Fridgebeats Promotions
for $15.95 20% off FridgeBeats Frameless @Fridgebeats
- Save 20% off FridgeBeats Frameless @Fridgebeats, for $15.95. Custom Music & Photo Fridge Magnet Supports Bluetooth Connectivity.
- Fridge Beats , the gift that plays your favorite memories. Added Bluetooth functionality. Turn on FridgeBeats anytime with your phone! 600 mAh large capacity, continuous playbackfor 6 hours !
- Price may be changed without notice.
Valentine's Day sale - up to $6 off each @Fridgebeats
- Valentine's Day sale - save up to $6 off each @Fridgebeats. Custom Music, Photo & Text Fridge Magnet Supports Bluetooth Connectivity.
- Price may be changed without notice.