Diptyque Cashback
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Diptyque Cash Back Detail
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Diptyque Promotions
75ml For $240 New! Iconic Orphéon Eau de Parfum in a New Limited Edition @ Diptyque
- Get Orphéon Eau de Parfum in a New Limited Edition for $240 at Diptyque.
- 2 free samples of your choice with every order.
- Free US shipping on $80+.
- A woody scent captured in a precious bottle. A limited edition, its striking blue hues offset with glittering silver to conjure up a thrilling, tumultuous night. The radiating facets of the design are a tribute to the effervescent ambiance of Orphéon, a legendary bar in Paris. Tonka bean conjures up curls of tobacco smoke dissolving in powdery trails of jasmine, juniper berry and polished wood.
- Price may be changed without notice.