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衛麗生創立於西元1987年,近二十年來不斷地開拓創新,以提昇國人生活品質為依歸,在市場競爭的環境下,始終堅持以提供消費者優質產品為目標,採用高品質之原物料、確實落實全員品管。 more details »
Welvina, a high-performance water purifier, uses the industry's first domestically produced rice husk activated carbon as a filter material compared to general water purifiers. more details »
Taiwan-specific WiFi sharer, can be used for travel all over Taiwan and short-term rental. No need to bind a long-term contract, you can use it after receiving the sharer. more details »
嚴選砥家所銷售的商品都經由團隊嚴格挑選試用後才上架,目的在於創造讓消費者滿意的商品,滿足消費者所有的購物需求。範圍涵蓋民生食品、年節禮品、居家生活等多種類別商品。 more details »
只製作對環境、對動物、對身心都立意良善的產品,無動物性成分、不做動物實驗,與高雄醫學大學畢團隊合作,採用國際大廠原料,本著初心成立了植芮堂。 more details »
銀彈900是2009年9月台大發表的新型銀粒子,申請有美國及台灣專利,具粒子穩定,無基因毒性,對傷口有修復力,對抗藥性細菌,如MRSA有效果等特性。 more details »
Zhanlu has realized the infinite possibilities of specialty coffee, from top-quality specialty coffee beans to affordable filter-style coffee that everyone can simply enjoy. more details »