该品牌秉承Jessica Simpson的风格,在不牺牲舒适性或自信的前提下,颂扬女性、时尚和适合所有体型的造型
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Bjorn Borg是一个知名的内衣品牌。它拥有众多流行款式,所售的内衣中加入了许多流行元素如:经典时尚条纹、现代涂鸦等。Bjorn Borg的产品在独立零售商、运动服饰连锁商店及大型百货商店中均有销售。
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Spy Optic was created by a group of action sports and motorsports enthusiasts who immersed themselves in the culture
they knew best. The founders saw what was on the market for eyewear in 1994 and wanted to make sunglasses better. As authentic
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