Corsica Ferries UK Cashback
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Corsica Ferries UK Cash Back Detail
- Cash Back
- All Island-To-Mainland Crossings
- 4% Get Cash Back
- New Customer
- 3.2% Get Cash Back
- Existing Customer
- 1.6% Get Cash Back
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Corsica Ferries UK Promotions
1 passenger + 1 camper van 7m including taxes/one way from €96 @Corsica Ferries UK
- Enjoy 1 passenger + 1 camper van 7m including taxes/one way from €96 @Corsica Ferries UK.
- Offer valid for a large number of crossings to Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, subject to availability of fare class and services.- Spaces in this fare class are limited.- Up to 7 metres long + 2.40 metres high and 2 metres wide.- Additional services are sold at the standard rate.- Offer modifiable (€30 per crossing + any fare difference), non-refundable in the event of full or partial cancellation of the ticket.
- Price may be changed without notice.
50% Off on the price of your children's crossings between the ages of 4 and 12 @Corsica Ferries U
- Enjoy 50% Off on the price of your children's crossings between the ages of 4 and 12 @Corsica Ferries U.
- Your children are happy on-board! ! On all ferries, game areas specifically arranged for toddlers are available. Moreover, the bigger ones will have access to our video games room.Under your supervision and during the summer months, they will be able to have their first swim in all outside swimming pool on the deck.They will enjoy an adapted food service in our restaurants and a special children's menu at €9,60.And for the youngest, booster seats and bottle-warmers are available in our restaurant areas.
- Price may be changed without notice.