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Autonomous Promotions
$449 shipped ErgoChair Pro- Ergonomic Office Chair @ Autonomous
- Autonomous has ErgoChair Pro- Ergonomic Office Chair for only $449, shipping is free
- Back reclines at a 2-to-1 ratio to seat angle, keeping the seat cushion level. Supports lower back, legs, and thighs, especially beneficial for lumbar pain.
- Mesh backrest keeps you cool and comfy, preventing sweat during marathon sessions. Say goodbye to sticky backs and hello to focus.
- Flexible lumbar cushion adjusts up and down, adapting to various body types. Supports the spine’s natural curve, alleviating pain and stiffness for personalized comfort.
- Price may be changed without notice.
$229 (was $399) $170 OFF ErgoChair Junior Yellow @ Autonomous
- Autonomous has $170 OFF ErgoChair Junior Yellow for only $229 (was $399), shipping is FREE
- For healthy spinal development from age 4 all the way to 10. Grows with your child, so you can stop endlessly customizing poorly fitting chairs.
- Since there’s no standard way to grow, help your child cycle through 7 ergonomic options to discover their ideal seated position. Adjustable height, back, arms, seat and footrest make this chair ideal for anyone between 3'2 to 4'7 tall.
- Price may be changed without notice.