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Find the Best Luxury and Contemporary Fashion Designers on 24S. Hand-picked for you by fashion experts from Paris. As a proud member of the Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) group, 24S features a selection of more than 300 brands more details »
As the world's largest contact lens store, 1-800 CONTACTS is dedicated to providing you with a simple, hassle-free way to replace your contact lenses. At1-800 CONTACTS, you will receive the exact same contact lenses your doctor prescribed more details »
「我們不只是購物,我們賣的是生活態度和生活提案,」博客來營運長洪曉珊說,給消費者合理的價格,是經營網站的基礎。 但博客來不只是購物網站,從書籍、音樂到設計商品,甚至是閱讀的推廣,博客來打造的是一個「質感生活」的入口。 more details »
80Eighty is a diverse group connected through the passion for motorsports. They come from different backgrounds, but share a common interest. They are dedicated to making one lucky persons dream come true 1 Car at a time. They allow more details »
3CHI (pronounced “three-chee”) was founded by a biochemist with 15 years of product formulation experience. more details »
Legoland Florida is a theme park in Central Florida with over 50 attractions, live shows, and activities based on Lego toys and characters. more details » is an official authorised digital e-tailer dealing in video game activation codes sent instantly via their website. Created in 2012 by avid gamers, (with a collective experience of over 50 years), 2game have an understanding more details » brings you a great reward for relaxing your pores, bringing home a different taste of ramen more details »
1-800-FLOWERS.COM provides customers around the world with the freshest flowers and finest selection of plants, gift baskets, gourmet foods, confections and plush stuffed animals perfect for every occasion. 1-800-FLOWERS.COM offers more details »
“あなたにぴったりの商品が見つかる!買いやすい!”をテーマに、@cosmeのクチコミで人気のあるコスメを中心として、スキンケア、ボディケア、ヘアケア、そして美容家電やサプリメントまで、美容に関する商品を数多く取り揃えています。 気になる商品はワンクリックでクチコミ評価を閲覧可能。みんなの評価を見ながらお買い物ができちゃいます。現在新商品を続々入荷中! more details »
Shopee 蝦皮購物是東南亞及台灣首屈一指的電子商務平台,擁有廣泛的產品種類,包括消費電子產品,家居和生活,健康和美容,嬰兒和玩具,時尚和健身設備。 more details »
Didi platform is the world's outstanding mobile transport platform. more details »
100% Pure® is a cosmetics beauty firm focused on providing healthy skin care, color cosmetics plus bath and body products. more details »
PARKnSHOP is the leading supermarket chain in Hong Kong. They are confident in offering value for money, wide product choice, freshness & safety, and tailored stores to meet the needs of different customer segments. more details »
'47 is a sport lifestyle brand based out of Boston. Shop licensed sports hats, caps and apparel for your favorite team. more details »