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$800 off Procolored V6 Panda UV Printer 6.7" A4 L800 @Procolored

2.5% Cash Back
3% Super Cash Back

for $2799 + free shipping

    • Save $800 off Procolored V6 Panda UV Printer 6.7" A4 L800 @Procolored, for $2799 + free shipping.
    • A4 UV printer applies the typical Panda design of Procolored and is upgraded with sleeker and more seamless appearance. It’s capable of printing quick-dried graphics on solid substrates including: phone case, leather, acrylic, lithography, card, CD, USB flash drive, nameplate and so forth.
    • Price may be changed without notice.

Direct Print on Object - Delivering printings directly on object surface - easy operation, seamless workflow and durable presentation. Compact size - Printable width 210mm, machine size 20*19*17inch; suitable for small printing studios, easy-operated to UV new beginners.Printhead Auto-Cleaning - When printer is left on, it will automatically clean the printhead every 10 hours, consuming about 1ml ink per day.

2024-12-29 22:5339
