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Exp10% off Elite 16 Classic 16.2" HD Digital Picture Frame @NexFoto

for $143.99 + free shipping

    • Save 10% off Elite 16 Classic 16.2" HD Digital Picture Frame with code NFFMS24Copied @NexFoto, for $143.99 + free shipping.
    • High-quality image display with 1258×930 resolution. 32GB of storage to store thousands of photos and videos. Customizable display orientation with vertical and horizontal auto rotation. Intelligently turns on and automatically switches it off when motion detected. Swipe the interactive touch bar for easy photo navigation. Wide viewing angles and accurate colors thanks to IPS screen. Effortless photo uploading from anywhere with the Vphoto app on iOS and Android or on the NexFoto website.
2024-07-30 19:5363
