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Exp$100 off Mileseey PF2H Hunting Rangefinder @Mileseey Optics

12% Cash Back
15% Super Cash Back

for $139.99 + free shipping

    • Save $100 off Mileseey PF2H Hunting Rangefinder @Mileseey Optics, for $139.99 + free shipping.
    • Providing hunters with 800 Yards within 1 yard accuracy on game and the unparalleled toughness to stand up to the field. Easy toggle the unit of measure from yardage to metrics Range of 800 yards and bow mode for PF2H. 7° wide field of view makes observation comfortably visible; 6x magnification helps you see a 750 yards’ target as close as 75 yards; multi-coated,anti-glare optical lens means you can easily pick up the landscape and stay pinpointed on your quarry. The red LCD display stay clear even in low light.
    • Price may be changed without notice.
2024-07-29 18:0951
