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Exp11% off Syrebo Hand Rehabilitation Robot Glove Only for Children E10 C10 and C11 @Syrebo

for $66.75 + free shipping

    • Save 11% off Syrebo Hand Rehabilitation Robot Glove Only for Children E10 C10 and C11 with code SyrebohabCopied @Syrebo, for $66.75 + free shipping.
    • 1. Self-rehabilitation of hand impairments with hand rehabilitation robot gloves, mirror image training, pointing training and pneumatic flexion and extension. 2. Fine hands mirror training, promote brain function remodeling. Stroke gloves assist the healthy hand drives the affected hand flexion and extension, imitating and relearning continuously, and inducing the recovery of motor function. The stretch position captures the opening movement, the unaffected hand opens, and the affected hand simultaneously performs the opening movement. The flexion position captures the grasping action, the healthy hand is clenched, and the affected hand is synchronized.
    • Price may be changed without notice.
Syrebo 0
2024-07-28 20:0550
