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Exp$15 off DrunkDeer G60 Wired Actuation-Distance-Adjustable Magnetic Switch Gaming Keyboard

10% Cash Back
12% Super Cash Back

for $84 + free shipping

    • Save $15 off DrunkDeer G60 Wired Actuation-Distance-Adjustable Magnetic Switch Gaming Keyboard @DrunkDeer, for $84 + free shipping.
    • Ultra Response Speed: 10 times faster than the traditional mechanical keyboard. Adjustable Actuation Distance: Actuate from 0.2mm to 3.8mm, the adjustable precision is 0.1mm. Rapid Trigger: Triggered once pressed, reset once released. Sensitivity range 0.1-3.6mm, adjustable accuracy is 0.1mm. 
    • Price may be changed without notice.
2024-07-17 19:3889
