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Exp30% off Chanalai Hillside Resort, Karon Beach - Phuket @Chanalai Hotels & Resorts

5% Cash Back
6% Super Cash Back

    • Save 30% off Chanalai Hillside Resort, Karon Beach - Phuket @Chanalai Hotels & Resorts. Bookable 15 days or more in advance.
    • Inclusions for Advance Purchase Offer: Daily 2 Cans of Domestic Beer or 2 Cans of Soft Drink (Only at Restaurants). Fruit Platter on Arrival (In Room). 15% Discount on Food Only (Not applicable on drinks or any other food promotion). 15% Discount on Minibar. 15% Discount on Laundry.
    • Price may be changed without notice.
2024-05-22 01:2872
