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ExpFruit Or Vegetable 'A' Frame Garden Tunnels - Small from £23.03 @ Gardening Naturally

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5% Super Cash Back

    • Gardening Naturally offers Fruit Or Vegetable 'A' Frame Garden Tunnels - Small from £23.03.
    • Price may be changed without notice.

The Gardening Naturally A-Frame is the perfect fruit & vegetable cage alternative. If you're looking for an adaptable width structure to protect your fruits, vegetables and flowers then the A-Frame is what you're looking for. 

The A shape is ideal for protecting 1 or 2 rows of fruit or vegetables. 

The garden frame width is also adaptable, meaning that for those of you with smaller fruit, vegetable or plant patches finally have a structure that can protect your crops. The A-Frame at its narrowest can go to 55cm and at its widest can go to 110cm. 

The garden netting tunnel uses 1.2 metre aluminium poles for the height. The height will be affected by the width you choose to make your frame and how far into the soil you push the poles. We recommend for this one you push the poles 20cms into the soil. 

The A-Frame is available in various lengths including 1.2 metres, 1.5 metres, 1.8 metres, 2 metres and 2.2 metres. If ordering a 2m or 2.2m length you will recieve 6 uprights rather than 4. 

2024-05-20 23:3857
