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Exp4-Hook Bird Feeding Station, Steel Feeder Stand w/ 2 Bird Feeders - 91in @ Best Choice Products

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$26.59(was $69.99)

    • Best Choice Products offers 4-Hook Bird Feeding Station, Steel Feeder Stand w/ 2 Bird Feeders - 91in for $26.59(was $69.99) via coupon code BCP4HOOKCopied .
    • Free shipping.
    • Deal ends 7/2 23:59.
    • Price may be changed without notice.

FEEDERS INCLUDED: This set comes complete with two feeders: a tube feeder and suet feeder, as well as a water bowl and additional food tray

MULTIPURPOSE HOOKS: The durable hooks are excellent hangers for feeders as well as wind chimes, birdhouses, and other decor

EASY ASSEMBLY: Threaded tubes come together while a set of wingnuts secure additional hooks or feeder stations before staking the pole into the ground

BUILT TO LAST: Made entirely of durable steel, this feeding station features a long anchor to withstand the wind and allow feathery friends to stop by for years to come

INVITING OUTDOOR ACCENT: At 91 inches tall, this feeder station will help attract dozens of birds and improve your gardening experience

2024-06-26 20:1862
