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Exp60% off Beelinguapp Language Learning App: Lifetime Subscription @StackSocial

6.5% Cash Back
7% Super Cash Back

for $39.99

    • Save 60% off Beelinguapp Language Learning App: Lifetime Subscription @StackSocial, for $39.99.
    • Research shows that while reading is a good way of learning, the listening approach has the potential to help increase reading comprehension skills and enjoyment of reading. Beelinguapp uses this finding and empowers you to read a second language. It shows the same exact text in two languages, side by side. At the same time, it's an audiobook, and with its unique karaoke reading, you'll follow the audio in the text on both sides. There are many texts available in 14 languages including Spanish, English, German, Korean, French, and more. The texts go from fairy tales, news, to science papers and novels; and new ones are added every week.
    • Price may be changed without notice.
2024-03-03 17:44121
