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Exp$45 off ASRock Phantom PG27Q15R2A 27" QHD 2560 x 1440 (2K) 165 Hz gaming monitor @Newegg

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for $164.99 after $30 rebate + free shipping

    • Save $45 off ASRock Phantom PG27Q15R2A 27" QHD 2560 x 1440 (2K) 165 Hz gaming monitor @Newegg, for $164.99 after $30 rebate + free shipping.
    • Phantom Gaming monitor equips with built-in Wi-Fi antenna. So, the Wi-Fi signal won’t be masked by the table. Now, connect the Wi-Fi antenna to your PC and enjoy gaming without latency!
    • Price may be changed without notice.
Newegg 0
2023-07-09 23:1470
