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ExpK9 Advantix II for Dog Sale @ Allivet

Up to $13 off

    • Allivet offers K9 Advantix II for Dogs sale: $5 off a 2 month supply, $10 off a 4 month supply, $13 off a 6 month supply.
    • 20% off Your 1st AutoShip of Simparica Trio
    • 15% off Frontline Plus or Frontline Shield
    • 25% off Your 1st AutoShip of Oravet Chews
    • Free US shipping on $49+.
    • Price may be changed without notice.

K9 Advantix II is a topical medication used to treat and prevent mosquitoes, fleas, eggs, and ticks when used monthly. See Allivet's Flea and Tick Chart to find which flea and tick product is best for your pet.

2022-07-06 20:1976
