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Exp$79.99 ( Was $119.99) For Kindle Paperwhite E-reader - Black, 6" @ Amazon

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    • Get Kindle Paperwhite E-reader - Black, 6" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi) with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi for only $79.99 (was $119.99) and Kindle E-reader - Black, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi, Built-In Audible for $49.99 (was $79.99) at Amazon.
    • Free Shipping.
    • Price may be changed without notice.

See Kindle Paperwhite E-reader - Black, 6" Technical Details in Picture below:

  • Higher resolution display (300 ppi) - with twice as many pixels

  • Built-in adjustable light - read day and night

  • No screen glare, even in bright sunlight, unlike tablets

  • A single battery charge lasts weeks, not hours

  • Massive selection, low prices - over a million titles $2.99 or less



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2019-06-14 08:25259