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ExpLa Palma & Teneguia Princess From £443.33pp @TUI

37% Off

    • Save 37% off La Palma & Teneguia Princess @TUI, from £443.33pp.
    • Price may be changed without notice.



Fuencaliente clings to the southern coast of La Palma, the smallest of the Canary Islands. The region takes in the villages of Las Indias and Los Canarios, and with just a scattering of bars and restaurants it makes for a peaceful holiday. You’ll find a landscape of whitewashed houses and pretty balconies, topped off with lots of hike-friendly volcanoes.

Fuencaliente clings to the southern coast of La Palma

37% OffLa Palma & Teneguia Princess From £443.33pp @TUI

37% OffLa Palma & Teneguia Princess From £443.33pp @TUI

37% OffLa Palma & Teneguia Princess From £443.33pp @TUI

37% OffLa Palma & Teneguia Princess From £443.33pp @TUI

2019-07-04 18:38563
