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ExpAutumn Coach Breaks - Save up to 10% plus half price room upgrades @Shearings Holidays

    • Autumn Coach Breaks - Save up to 10% plus half price room upgrades @Shearings Holidays.
    • In Autumn, Mother Nature outs on one final show before winter arrives, and for many, the great outdoors are at their best. Britain's trees change to enchanting shades of amber, red and gold, whilst elsewhere in Europe you can still soak up the sun.
    • Half price room upgrades on holidays staying at their own estate hotels, valid on new bookings made before 31st July 2019.
    • Price may be changed without notice.

Discover the best of Britain in the autumn, a truly breathtaking time of year to get away. And with a wide range of superb holiday destinations at their own exclusive hotels, a UK autumn break with Shearings really is something special... 

Discover the best of Britain in the autumn

Autumn Coach Breaks - Save up to 10% plus half price room upgrades @Shearings Holidays

2019-07-09 22:26338
