Exp Trains from Barcelona to Madrid @Omio
Up To 8% Cash BackFrom £40
- Book Train tickets from Barcelona to Madrid From £40 @Omio.
- Trains from Valencia to Madrid From £26.
- More Cheapest Trains to Madrid: click me.
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Renfe also offers travelers tourist trains that run through some Spanish regions. In particular, the Transcantábrico, which crosses the entire Cantabrian region, the Tren Al Andalus, which offers the possibility to travel to the north and walk the Camino de Santiago. In addition to that, there are numerous trips to neighbouring countries, such as Portugal and France, where Renfe and SNCF offer combined high-speed services.
There are also a number of domestic Estrella and Trenhotel trains, as well as international night trains connecting Spain with France, Portugal, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
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