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ExpBUNN Better - U-Pick Cherries in Alameda County, LA

    • BUNN Better - U-Pick Cherries in Alameda County, LA (late May-Mid June)
    • address: 830 Sunset Rd,Brentwood, CA 94513
    • Phone: 925-634-2148
    • open everyday until supplies last including weekend. No pets allowed
    • Price may be changed without notice.
  • Directions: . 3 1/2 miles north of Highway 4/ Brentwood Blvd. 


  • Nunn Better Farms  is my favorite with kids. first there are plenty of places to park. And you can enjoy beautiful Coral, Rainier, Santina, and Lapin cherries at Nunn Better Farms. And i always bring a ladder for kids to pick up.


Tips: before you go, make a phone call! And you must bring enough water, and sun protection is important, sunglasses, hat and more. 

2019-06-14 08:25273
