

已过期【Marc Jacobs】官网折扣区美包、美鞋上新热卖

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5折 + $150 收迷你盒子包

    • Marc Jacobs 官网折扣区美包、美鞋上新热卖,5折 + $150 收迷你盒子包
    • 美国境内满$50免邮
    • 小马哥家的开年大促来辣!大热的相机包,盒子包,托特包等都在哦~
    • 促销随时可能结束,抓紧时间抢购

作为LV前设计总监小马哥的同名品牌,Marc Jacobs在时尚圈一直挺受追捧的。Kendall肯豆等Ins的网络红人和品牌都有着良好的互动关系。去年开始它家的相机包就刷爆了各种街拍网站和Ins,今年小宋佳等明星背过以后又火了一次


Marc continues to explore the beauty in the unexpected and convey the luxury that exists in the everyday. At the core of the company’s values is his belief that we are each the star of our own movie, and through the joy of the ritual of fashion, makeup and fragrance, we can help further define our individuality and personality.

Marc Jacobs continues to offer fashion and accessories through a broad spectrum of accessibility without compromising honesty and integrity.

2020-01-18 19:49446
